OCC (Old Corrugated Containers)

Old Corrugated Containers is commonly, known as cardboard by those outside the industry, referred to in the industry as OCC, consists of used boxes, containers or other packaging made from unbleached, un-waxed paper with a ruffled, or corrugated, inner liner. Corrugated containerboard has revolutionized product packaging and shipping. Since its introduction in the late 1800s, it has steadily displaced heavy wooden crates and barrels as the container of choice. These corrugated materials, also called containerboard, are used for things like pizza or shipping boxes and most importantly it can be fully recycled.

Recycling Cardboard

In the paper world used cardboard waste is known as Old Corrugated Containerboard and it is the workhorse of the paper world. Recycled corrugated containerboard is playing very important part and one of the key raw material for the paper mills across the world. Based on the quality, OCC materials can be classified in various grades and the value of OCC materials can be determined by the strength.

We at Ganga International are mainly dealing in OCC-11 and OCC-12 materials and help our customers sourcing their materials from only well established and leading recycling agencies from across the world.

OCC-11 :

Old corrugated containers 11 - These are corrugated papers having liners of either test liner,jute or kraft. Under this category of paper,the following characteristics are exibited.

  • Prohibitive Materials:Not to exceed 5%
  • Outthrows: Should Not to exceed 5%
  • Combined Outthrows and Prohibitives may not exceed 5%

OCC - 12 (DSOCC) :

Sorted to be free of boxboard, off-shore corrugutated, plastic, and wax..

  • Trash/Prohibitive Materials : 0%
  • Outthrows plus prohibitive : not exceed 5%
  • Moisture content : not exceed 5%